google-site-verification: googlef9191385e17423db.html 5 Reasons why MAXE staff stay on - MAXE LIFESTYLE ACCESSORIES

We’re fortunate to have a very low staff turnover here at MAXE. In fact, over 50% of our current workforce have been with the company for longer than 10 years. We believe this is thanks to our culture of collaboration and our constant drive toward customer satisfaction in an ethical and sustainable way.

It’s never easy to pinpoint exactly what keeps our team happy as – by nature of our business – it is such a diverse group of people, talents and skills. However, through some in-depth surveys by our HR team, we do believe we’ve found something of a checklist on why that is:

1. Superior Performance

The pride in being associated with a premium, innovative branded product range. We have numerous awards from various OEMs for excellence in Research and Manufacturing. We pride ourselves in the consistent delivery of superior performance in every facet of the business.

2. Sustainability and Endurance

MAXE is always driving for sustainability and endurance. MAXE forms part of the diversified group KAP Industrial Holdings Automotive Division. We moved into a larger manufacturing facility in Westmead, Pinetown, two years ago, at which time we automated and fine-tuned our processes. Our new factory has enough spare capacity to accommodate double-digit growth over the next five or more years. This means that MAXE will be hunting for new employees in various functions and levels over the next years as well.

3. Job security

MAXE has been around for 25 years in a volatile market. We have been operating for longer than any of our local competitors, adding that MAXE is a regular OEM Awards winner and holds key certifications, such as ISO 9001 etc, which sets out the criteria for a quality management system.

4. Growth and expansion

Over the past six months we created seven new positions in the company and have also expanded the training and development programs for our existing teams. The latter have taken place on two levels: Firstly, the employment of Matriculants straight out of high school in the plant environment and providing them with stable jobs and an opportunity for developing a career path. The second level is, for instance, where, MAXE have assisted a Maintenance Assistant to work his way up to a Qualified Tradesman.

5. Diversity

We strive to diversify the team as much as possible to enrich the exchange of ideas and culture. We are constantly working to create a more balanced and representative staff complement in what was traditionally a very male-orientated industry. In the past six months, we have successfully placed three new female team members in senior roles in Manufacturing and Marketing. We are a Proudly South African company and have been committed to contributing to the South African economy not just by supporting local manufacturing, suppliers and jobs but also by supporting our local communities, skills development and CSI initiatives, all of this, while the markets have been quite volatile during this time, reflecting a solid Management structure looking at the short term as well as the next 5 and 10 years.